Thursday, April 9, 2009

Who Are Your Favorite Scandalous Women of Ill Repute?

I haven't updated here in a while because I have been having so much fun posting on some of my other projects that I have been working on.

I named this blog "bad-ass femmes" because I want to blog about unconventional women who have not fit the traditional mold-women who have bucked convention and broken the rules. While I realize that the lesbian community uses the term femme to classify a particular type of lesbian, my blog won't only address lesbians. I was thinking of the word femme in the sense of all females. If there are some bad-ass lesbian femmes out there, point me in their direction and I'll blog about them too!

I would have to say that my favorite bad-ass of all time is...Frida Kahlo. I've got tons to say about her, but I will save it for another post...

Who are some of your favorite wild women of history, literature, popular culture??

1 comment:

Marga Britto said...

This is brought to you by

Frida Kahlo
Amelia Earhart
Katherine Hepburn
Anne Boyln
Marlene Dietrich
Jane Grey
Queen Elizabeth I (Of England)
Virginia Woolf
Edith Piaf
La Malinche

Just Who is this Mary Kay Lady?

I've always considered myself to not be one of those "hair and nails" girls who are constantly obsessed with makeup and lookin...